Post Apocalyptic News Radio
Sit down and tune that dial to the only station still broadcasting in these irradiated wastes of the world.
3 years ago

S1E12 - PANR 12-April 14, 20XX

Who are they?

Thank you for checking our archived broadcast for Wednesday, 14 April, 20XX. This was the beginning of the long winter. I had hopped it would pass quickly, but this debris cloud was much larger than we could have anticipated. A fact that became clear very soon after this broadcast aired. This broadcast was sponsored by Vley's Mug! Vley's Mug, your only guaranteed drinkable source of liquid this side of the Atlantic! As an aside, I'm curious to know if any among you take the time and effort to read the archive notes. These notes take a fair bit of effort to attach to these archives, so it does mean something to me to know you've actually read them. If you would, for the sake of my curiosity, please attach a memo note to this file. Without giving context, please declare the worst thing about kelp. I must implore you not mention my request in your deceleration. I think it may be humorous to see the confusion in any who read your memo, yet do not read the archive notes. In addition, I must request that your notes are family friendly. For while the world may yet have ended, it is our duty to maintain some semblance of decency.

Discord: Youtube: Edited by Shawn Deer Arts, radio broadcast audio recorded and produced by Seamus S.

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